
kiss for nuke

"go back"

In Autodesk Flame and Smoke you can use the kiss function to quickly connect nodes. With this script that function is now accessible inside nuke, as well. After it is installed simply select a node and move it to another. When both nodes overlap press the button u and the nodes get connected.
In daily work, this method has has proven for me to be faster than connecting nodes the traditional way using the input or output pipes. With several hundreds or thousands of nodes per day this makes a lot of time savings.

Update for Version02: Now you can also connect the output of your selected node to several inputs of nearby nodes. So like the other way around connection. See video.

How to install kiss

Download kiss and copy it into your nuke home directory.
In your init.py add this one line:


Now you can also connect the output of your selected node to several inputs of nearby nodes. So like the other way around connection.
Initial release
This is old legacy code. Although it works as expected, it doesn't reflect my current experience level and coding style anymore. This code needs to be updated to the latest code format in the future. However, I haven't found the time to do so, yet.
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